Our annual report

28 November 2024

Our inaugural annual report

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission’s (the Commission) inaugural annual report was tabled in parliament today, 28 November 2024, and is now available for download.

The Commission was established on 1 September 2023 and our annual report covers our first ten months of operation. It has been structured to acquit against the areas outlined in s427 of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022.

As a new entity, much of our focus in our first year has been on building our resources and capability to deliver our objectives and functions as outlined in the Act.

This period has been one of significant growth and development for the Commission as we have built our capacity and capability across lived experience, data analysis, investigations, legal, and people and culture.

In our foundational year, we have focused on integrating lived experience perspectives into all facets of our work, reflected in our staffing, documentation, and connections with the lived experience sector. By engaging with people with lived experience, we've gained valuable insights to inform our work, effectively fulfill our legislative role, and drive lasting and meaningful change in Victoria's mental health and wellbeing system.

You can download the annual report below. Should you wish to order a printed copy of the report, please contact us at info@mhwc.vic.gov.au or call us on 1800 246 054.

You can download the PDF version or the accessible PDF versions below:

MHWC 2024 Annual Report
PDF 1.64 MB
(opens in a new window)
MHWC 2024 Annual Report accessible AC
PDF 1.64 MB
(opens in a new window)

Or, read our annual report in the easy-to-read sections below:
